F o u r t h  L l o y d  P r o d u c t i o n s  

Let's Talk About
Early Language Development

Ana Gammara Hoover, M.Ed.
and Karen Griffin Roberts, M.Ed.

Edited by M. Jean Buffardi

ISBN: 978-0-9889391-0-3
pages 68
$13.50 + shipping

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About the Authors

Karen Griffin Roberts earned a Masters in Special Education, and a Bachelors of Individualized Study (BIS) in Early Childhood Development: A Study in
Autism, from George Mason University (GMU). Her GMU undergraduate project to develop a manual for preschool teachers, which provided strategies for including children with autism in the classroom, won George Mason University’s BIS award for “Most Creative Project” in May 2009. Worldwide response to the project from preschool administrators, special education and general education preschool teachers and families resulted in the publication of her book,
Embracing Autism in Preschool: Successful Strategies for General Education Teachers (Fourth Lloyd Productions, 2010). Karen has taught preschool since 1992 and her teaching experience includes work with early childhood learning centers, day care centers and private preschool programs. In 1998 she was presented with the Children’s World Learning Center’s Honor Teacher Award and was one of eighteen preschool teachers chosen nationwide to attend the National Association for the Education of Young Children’s 1999 Conference in New Orleans. She is currently an early childhood special education teacher for Prince William County Schools.

Ana Gamarra Hoover is a pre-school special education teacher in Prince William County, Virginia. She holds a Masters in Special Education degree with a concentration on Early Childhood Special Education from George Mason University (GMU). Ms. Hoover earned a Bachelor’s of Independent Study in Child Development and Special Education also at GMU. She was awarded the academic award for the College of Education and Human Development in Early Childhood Special Education in 2010. Prior to her current job, Ms. Hoover ran a successful early childhood education business for twenty-three years. She is currently an early childhood special education teacher for Prince William County Schools. Ana lives in Burke, Virginia, with her husband, youngest son and four dogs.



“Parents and family members will find the information in this book understandable and practical, just what is needed when there is concern about their child’s language development…. The question and answer format enables parents, family members, and professionals to go straight to areas of concern for them…. Content is also responsive to questions from parents whose children are dual-language learners. The authors stress the importance of families maintaining the native language and describe how to tell the difference between what may or may not be language issues as children are learning English. Additionally, critical information for parents of children who are non-verbal is provided with a particular
focus on activities that promote verbal language and help interpret non-verbal language. If you or anyone you know is concerned about their child’s early language development, this is the book for them!”

Peggy King-Sears, Ph.D., Professor
Division of Special Education and disAbilities Research
George Mason University, Fairfax Virginia

“This book is an exceptional resource. Written in layman's terms, the text provides an excellent overview of the five areas of language and clearly explains language and communication terms. …Parents and educators are provided with guidelines to help identify signs of atypical development. But most importantly, the authors provide answers to the most critical question, “What can I do to help my child’s language and literacy skills develop?”— a question we, as educators, ask ourselves every day!”|||

Karola Ball Scarce, M.Ed., NBCT, Teacher of Students with Disabilities
Prince William County Schools, Virginia

“Let’s Talk About Early Language Development is a great place to start if you are concerned about your child’s speech delay. It gives parents an idea about what a typical child should understand and say at different ages. Hoover and Roberts describe the different kinds of language delays in an easy to understand format. They give specific examples about what parents can do at home to help their child. As the parent of a special needs son with a significant language delay, I found it comforting to know that a lot of what I do already, such as talking and reading to my child, is exactly what he needs to develop his language in order to communicate. I recommend this book to parents of young children; it provides answers to questions that all parents have at some point.”

Stephanie Hanley, Parent

“Ana Hoover and Karen Roberts have hit the nail on the head with their simple to read but thorough book on early language development. Language development terminology is described, followed by a response to possible concerns, along with concrete activities that can be incorporated into daily routines at home or on the road. Their respect for parents and their true understanding of children’s needs comes through loud and clear. Parents of young children will find a wealth of information to support them as the primary caregivers and teachers of their children.”

Jill Mcfarren Aviles, Senior Specialist
Early Childhood Care and Development
Save the Children